Lot n° 98
Estimation :
200000 - 300000
Result with fees
: 1 157 000EUR
Chaïm SOUTINE (1894-1943) - Lot 98
Chaïm SOUTINE (1894-1943)
Tree in the wind or Before the storm. Circa 1939
Oil on isorel panel. Signed lower left
68,5 x 87 cm
We thank Mrs Esti DUNOW for confirming the authenticity of this work.
Provenance :
- Collection of Marcellin and Madeleine CASTAING - Paris
- Collection of Madeleine CASTAING - Paris
- Collection of Mrs Bernard CASTAING - Paris
Exhibitions :
- Salon des Indépendants - Paris. Label on the back
- Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie des Tuileries, "Soutine" from 28/4 to 17/09/73, n°96. Label on the back
- Paris, Grand Palais, "L'Or des années folles, 1918-1930". February 8-March 5, 1979, n°21
- Paris, Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, "Paris-Moscow 1900-1930", 31 May-5 November 1979, p. 528. Label on the back
- Munster, Westfälisches Landesmuseum, 1981-1982, n°93, reprod. Label on the back
- Milan, Galleria Bergamini, 1987, no. 20, reprod.
- Chartres, Musée de Chartres, 1989, no. 76, reprod.
- Tubingen, Kunsthalle; London, Hayward Gallery and Lucerne, Kunstmuseum, Chaïm Soutine, December 1981-October 1982. Label on the back
- Museo d'Arte Moderna - Lugano from 12/3 to 18/6/95. Label on the back
- Musée de l'Orangerie - Paris. "Chaïm Soutine - L'ordre du chaos" from October 3, 2012 - January 21, 2013. Label on the back
- Maurice TUCHMAN, Esti DUNOW, Klaus PERLS, Catalogue raisonné of Chaïm Soutine, Taschen, 1993, Volume I, Landscapes #171
- M. CASTAING and J. LEYMARIE, Soutine, 1963, p. 32, pl. XLII, reprod.
- P. COURTHION, Soutine. Peintre du déchirant, 1972, p. 290C, reprod.
- A. MIRAMAS, L'Amateur d'Art, May-September 1973, p.9, reprod.
- Exhibition catalog. Milan, Palazzo Reale and Palazzo delle Albere, Trento; Museo Diego Aragona Pigantelli Cortes, Naples; Galleria Regionale della Sicilia, Palazzo Abatellis, Palermo, "Da Raffaello a Goya...da Van Gogh a Picasso", May 19, 1987-March 13, 1988, p. 232, p. 230 reprod.
- Exhibition catalog. Martigny, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, "De Manet à Picasso", July-November 1988, p. 280, p. 278 reprod.
- Exhibition catalog. Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim and Villa Stuck, Munich, "Von Courbet bis Picasso", 11 December 1988-28 May 1989, p. 256 reprod.
- Exhibition catalog. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, "From Manet to Matisse", 10 June-3 September 1989, p. 284, p. 286 reprod.
Tree in the Wind or Before the Storm is a work from the "Trees" series, treated in the manner of expressionist landscapes that Chaïm Soutine executed from 1920.
All his life, the artist proved his predilection for this subject.
The trees, violently shaken in all directions, sometimes giving the impression of having lost their own axis, seem to reflect a form of anguish.
The trunks take on an anthropomorphic appearance that could make us think that the painter is projecting an image of himself.
Later on, the motif became more individualized, first in Vence, then in Chartres and Touraine: the trees, gigantic and isolated, now occupy the entire canvas, against a background sometimes reduced to the sky. They straighten up to reach "a kind of painful serenity",
expressing perhaps the interrogations of the painter on "the eventful cycle of the life".
The landscapes become swirling again, due to the branches and foliage swept by the wind - which Soutine, a painter of movement, really makes visible: but the trees are now well rooted.
Towards the end of this series, the artist makes characters reappear, suggesting the rediscovered place of man within nature.
We can date this precise series towards the end of the 1930s.
It was probably during his stays in Touraine or Chartres, when the Castaing family often welcomed the artist to their property in Lèves, that he was inspired for the subject of this painting Tree in the Wind or Before the Storm.
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